Progress and Challenges with Air Quality Forecasting in Europe

20 oct. 2021 14:15
Oral Presentation 1. Operational Air Quality Forecasting Session 1


Vincent-Henri Peuch (ECMWF)


A substantial fraction of R&D activities that underpin operational air quality forecasting in Europe takes place under the umbrella of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS). CAMS provides daily analyses and 3-day forecasts of the main air pollutants over Europe using a 9-member ensemble of state-of-the-art regional air quality systems. CAMS also provides twice daily global analyses and forecasts using a specific configuration of ECMWF's highly successful Numerical Weather Prediction model. Over 80 different satellite data streams (including about 15 for atmospheric composition variables) and surface air quality observations are assimilated to provide these products. This presentation will highlight some of the developments that have recently entered into operations and it will also showcase how the CAMS global and/or regional systems has performed over different cases of interest including wildfires, dust plumes and the impact of COVID-19 lockdown measures. The presentations will also highlights the current main lines of development on emissions, on modelling and on data assimilation aspects.

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